Saturday, May 21, 2011


Guest post of the week by Nestor Nielsen
Fall is a really busy time for my family like I’m sure it is for all of yours. My kids both play fall sports and between shuttling them back and forth from track to football I get really worn out by the end of the day! I love the weather here this time of year though and I’m actually a pretty big runner so there are never better days to go for a long run than in Autumn. It’s also when a lot of the half marathons around here are scheduled, obviously, so I’m usually working towards a goal of some sort. It’s been tougher this year because in March I found some dish network dealsand I’ve been watching too much TV and not spending enough time running which has made me grossly out of shape! I don’t know how well I’m going to time but I’m still going to keep training and give it all my best this year. That’s all I can do and I think it’s pretty good I’m still running at my age!

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